
News Headlines - 08 September 2013

▽BBC News - Tokyo 2020: Japan's capital celebrates Olympics win For months journalists like me have been speculating on whether Tokyoites are really that enthusiastic about getting the Olympics. Well today we got our answer. As the announc…


▼首相、五輪で経済成長目指す 「第4の矢の効果」 - 47NEWS(よんななニュース) 安倍首相は7日夜(日本時間8日午前)、2020年五輪の東京開催決定に関し「成長には明らかにプラスだ。『第4の矢』の効果はある」と述べ、経済成長につなげる考えを表明…

News Headlines - 07 September 2013

▽Japan celebrates as Tokyo wins right to host 2020 Olympic Games ahead of Madrid and Istanbul - Telegraph But the biggest fear has been the threat posed to the health of athletes and visitors alike from radiation escaping from the Fukushim…