
News Headlines - 31 January 2012

▽A reputation shredded: Sir Fred loses his knighthood - The Guardianhttp://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2012/jan/31/fred-goodwin-loses-knighthood?newsfeed=trueThe former chief executive of the Royal Bank of Scotland, Fred Goodwin, has been …



News Headlines - 30 January 2012

▽France plans Tobin tax on financial transactions - The Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2012/jan/30/france-tobin-tax-nicolas-sarkozy?newsfeed=trueNicolas Sarkozy has announced plans to impose a tax on financial transactions.The…


▼独衛星、あわや北京を直撃か 昨年10月落下http://www.47news.jp/CN/201201/CN2012012901001628.html《昨年10月にインド洋のベンガル湾上空で大気圏に突入したドイツのエックス線観測衛星について、突入が7~10分遅れていたら、衛星の残骸が北京を直…

News Headlines - 29 January 2012

▽RBS chief Stephen Hester waives controversial bonus of nearly £1m - The Guardianhttp://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2012/jan/29/rbs-stephen-hester-waives-bonusStephen Hester, the chief executive of Royal Bank of Scotland, has bowed to int…



News Headlines - 28 January 2012

▽IMF tells Greece it will lose control of budget in return for bail-out - Telegraph.co.ukhttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/financialcrisis/9046820/IMF-tells-Greece-it-will-lose-control-of-budget-in-return-for-bail-out.htmlThe Internationa…



News Headlines - 27 January 2012

▽RBS Boss Under Pressure To Forgo £1m Bonus - Sky Newshttp://news.sky.com/home/business/article/16157663The political row over bankers' bonuses is heating up, with the boss of taxpayer-owned Royal Bank of Scotland coming under increasing …


▼ロンドン五輪まで半年 地元では不満の声もhttp://news24.jp/nnn/news89029498.html《オリンピックパークの建設にあたっては、そこに住んでいた約500人と200以上の企業が立ち退いた。しかし、補償などに関する交渉は現在も80件以上続いている他、移…

News Headlines - 26 January 2012

▽Ahmadinejad says Iran is ready for nuclear talks - CTV.cahttp://m.ctv.ca/topstories/20120126/ahmadinejad-requests-nuclear-talks-120126.htmlPresident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says Iran is ready for nuclear talks with the world powers amid tough…


▼英スコットランドが住民投票実施へ 2014年秋、独立を問うhttp://sankei.jp.msn.com/world/news/120126/erp12012600080000-n1.htm《サモンド首相は「住民投票の実施権限はスコットランド行政府にある」として1問目は二者択一にするが、2問目で同行政府…

News Headlines - 25 January 2012

▽UK moves closer to second recession as economy shrinks 0.2% - The Guardianhttp://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2012/jan/25/uk-second-recession-economy-shrinks?newsfeed=trueBritain has moved closer to its second recession in three years afte…


▼感謝の「足湯号」世界25カ国巡りhttp://www.nikkansports.com/soccer/news/p-sc-tp0-20120125-894346.html《東日本大震災の復興支援を受けた世界各国への感謝の意を込めた「JAPAN FESTIVAL 2012 in LONDON」のイベント概要が24…

News Headlines - 24 January 2012

▽Government debt rises to a record of £1tn - BBChttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-16698293Government debt has risen to a record £1 trillion from £883bn a year ago... However, Chancellor George Osborne is still on course to hit his borrowi…


▼NY原油 制裁受け100ドル超にhttp://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20120124/t10015483771000.html《EU=ヨーロッパ連合がイラン産の原油の輸入を禁止する措置を決定したことを受けて、23日のニューヨーク原油市場では、原油の先物に買い注文が出て、原…

News Headlines - 23 January 2012

▽European Union agress on Iran oil embargo - Telegraph.co.ukhttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/iran/9032261/European-Union-agress-on-Iran-oil-embargo.htmlEuropean Union nations have agreed on an oil embargo against Iran a…



News Headlines - 22 January 2012

▽Occupy London takes over new site in City - BBChttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-16667710Protesters moved into an empty office building in the Barbican, in the City of London, in the early hours of Saturday.The empty office block is ow…


▼フォークランド諸島巡り緊張 アルゼンチンでデモhttp://news.tv-asahi.co.jp/ann/news/web/html/220121020.html《フォークランド諸島付近には膨大な油田があることが分かっていますが、その領有権をめぐってイギリスとアルゼンチンが対立しています。》 ▼日…

News Headlines - 21 January 2012

▽Source of infection that killed three babies 'unlikely to be identified' - Belfast Telegraphhttp://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/local-national/northern-ireland/source-of-infection-that-killed-three-babies-unlikely-to-be-identified-1610…



News Headlines - 20 January 2012

▽7 Charged as F.B.I. Closes a Top File-Sharing Site - New York Timeshttp://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/21/technology/7-charged-as-fbi-closes-a-top-file-sharing-site.htmlIn what the U.S. authorities have called one of the largest criminal copyr…


▼EU イラン中央銀行の制裁もhttp://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20120120/t10015407151000.html《核開発を続けるイランへの制裁の強化を検討しているEU=ヨーロッパ連合は、イラン産の原油の輸入を禁止する措置に加え、核開発の資金を提供していると見られ…

News Headlines - 19 January 2012

▽Britain admits 'fake rock' plot to spy on Russians - The Guardianhttp://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/jan/19/fake-rock-plot-spy-russians?newsfeed=trueBritain was behind a plot to spy on Russians with a device hidden in a fake plastic rock…


▼ドイツ:「わが闘争」販売計画に波紋 南部の州、英出版社提訴もhttp://mainichi.jp/select/world/news/20120119ddm007030166000c.html《「わが闘争」の著作権は現在、ヒトラーが住民登録をしていた独南部バイエルン州が保有しているが、「ナチス賛美につな…

News Headlines - 18 January 2012

▽Costa Concordia captain claims he tripped and fell into a lifeboat - The Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/jan/18/costa-concordia-captain-tripped-lifeboatThe cruise liner captain accused of abandoning ship after he struck rock…



News Headlines - 17 January 2012

▽UK inflation slows to 4.2% - Financial Timeshttp://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/e98e6618-40ef-11e1-b521-00144feab49a.html#axzz1jcdGFuyHThe 4.2 per cent annual rise in the consumer price index – from 4.8 per cent the previous month and 5.…

