
News Headlines - 30 November 2011

▽What impact has the public sector strike had? - BBChttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-15956462Workers began to walk out at midnight and the unions say around two million people have taken part in the industrial action, causing disruption to pub…


▼イラン:英首相が報復措置を示唆 英国大使館襲撃でhttp://mainichi.jp/select/world/news/20111130k0000e030066000c.html《イランのイスラム体制派民兵組織「バシジ」に属する学生らが29日午後、在イラン英国大使館を襲撃した事件で、イラン警察は29日…

News Headlines - 29 November 2011

▽Almost One In Five Oppose Murdoch Re-Election - Sky Newshttp://news.sky.com/home/business/article/16120358Nearly a quarter of independent shareholders in BSkyB opposed James Murdoch's re-election as the company's chairman amid the fallout…



News Headlines - 28 November 2011

▽Millions of Egyptians Take Part In Historic Election - ABC Newshttp://abcnews.go.com/International/egyptians-part-election-ousting-hosni-mubarak/story?id=15042134Egyptians took to the polls en masse today, eager to participate in the firs…



News Headlines - 27 November 2011

▽Nothing will stop us from striking: Two thirds of schools to shut, airports set for chaos, Army on standby - but unions won't discuss a last-minute peace deal - Daily Mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2066955/Nothing-stop-strik…


▼ベルギー 正式な政権発足かhttp://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20111127/t10014227411000.html《ベルギーでは、北部のオランダ語圏と南部のフランス語圏の対立を背景に、去年6月の総選挙以降、連立政権樹立に向けた交渉が難航し、正式な政権が不在の異常な事…

News Headlines - 26 November 2011

▽Egypt Braces for Fresh Clashes After Protester’s Death - New York Timeshttp://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/27/world/middleeast/new-clashes-underscore-standoff-in-egypt.htmlThe killing of an unarmed demonstrator by the police on Saturday threat…


▼中国企業の土地購入認めず アイスランド政府http://www.47news.jp/CN/201111/CN2011112601003100.html《この企業はマンション建設やリゾート開発を手掛ける北京の「中坤集団」。アイスランド国土の0・3%に当たる約300平方キロの土地を購入、リゾート…

News Headlines - 25 November 2011

▽U.S. Increases Pressure on Egypt's Military to Hand Over Power to Civilian Leaders - Fox News http://www.foxnews.com/world/2011/11/25/us-increases-pressure-on-egypts-military-to-hand-over-power-to-civilian-leaders/The U.S. increased press…


▼イタリア2年債利回り、8%突破 ユーロ発足後で最高http://www.47news.jp/CN/201111/CN2011112501001107.html《25日の欧州債券市場は満期が短いイタリア国債が全般的に売られ、2年債利回りは一時、8%を突破、1999年のユーロ発足以来の最高(価格…

News Headlines - 24 November 2011

▽German bond auction 'disaster' rocks markets - Telegraph.co.ukhttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/financialcrisis/8910839/German-bond-auction-disaster-rocks-markets.htmlThe German government was unable to sell about 35pc of the €6bn (£5bn)…



News Headlines - 23 November 2011

▽German bond sale fails to attract buyers - Financial Timeshttp://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/78994200-15c2-11e1-8db8-00144feabdc0.htmlGermany saw one of its poorest debt sales on Wednesday in what was seen as a failed auction by many market p…



News Headlines - 22 November 2011

▽Thomas Cook's £900m Debt Woes Deepen - Sky Newshttp://news.sky.com/home/business/article/16115098Europe's second biggest tour operator Thomas Cook has announced it is in negotiations with banks about its growing £900m debt.As a result, it…



News Headlines - 21 November 2011

▽Fog disruption of flights from Heathrow continues - BBChttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-15813143Thousands of passengers are facing a second day of disruption as fog continues to force the cancellation of flights in and out of L…


▼スペイン政権交代へ 総選挙、野党勝利で7年半ぶり http://www.nikkei.com/《欧州財政危機の行方を占うスペイン上下両院総選挙は20日投開票され、内務省の発表によると、最大野党で中道右派の国民党が下院(350議席)で40%以上の得票率となり、勝利した。…

News Headlines - 20 November 2011

▽Capture of Gaddafi son ends "Libyan drama" - Reuters http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/11/20/us-libya-son-idUSTRE7AJ09X20111120Libyan militiamen were holding Saif al-Islam in their mountain stronghold on Sunday, a day after seizing him …


▼イタリア:首相「我々は電気カミソリ」 前首相「プラグ抜く」発言に反撃http://mainichi.jp/select/world/news/20111120ddm007030122000c.html《モンティ氏は前首相の文脈に沿って「『プラグを抜く』といった表現は使わないでいただきたい。我々(新政権)…

News Headlines - 19 November 2011

▽Occupy UK converges on London - The Guardianhttp://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/nov/19/occupy-london-protesters-ideas-bankThe Occupy movement continued to acquire momentum on Saturday as protesters from camps across the country converged in…



News Headlines - 18 November 2011

▽Natalie Wood case reopened after new evidence emerges - The Guardianhttp://www.guardian.co.uk/film/2011/nov/18/natalie-wood-case-reopenedWitness says Wood fought with husband Robert Wagner on fatal night but sheriff's department denies he…


▼欧州の放射性ヨウ素 発生源で報告http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20111118/t10014040551000.html《IAEA=国際原子力機関は先月から今月にかけてヨーロッパやロシアでごく微量の放射性ヨウ素が観測されたことについて、ハンガリーの原子力規制当局から…

News Headlines - 17 November 2011

▽Occupy London: St Paul's protesters defy eviction notice - Telegraph.co.uk http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/financialcrisis/8898037/Occupy-London-St-Pauls-protesters-defy-eviction-notice.htmlProtesters camped outside St Paul's Cathedral…


▼米検察官と面会へ オリンパスの英国人元社長http://www.usfl.com/Daily/News/11/11/1116_028.asp?id=92038《ウッドフォード氏はロイターに対し「米当局者と会うため、今月29日に渡米する」と述べた。米司法省や連邦捜査局(FBI)は既に同氏から事情を聴いて…

News Headlines - 16 November 2011

▽U.K. SFO Said to Start Probe of Japan’s Olympus Corp. - BusinessWeekhttp://www.businessweek.com/news/2011-11-16/u-k-sfo-said-to-start-probe-of-japan-s-olympus-corp-.htmlU.K. prosecutors are opening a formal investigation into Olympus Corp…

