
News Headlines - 15 February 2014

▽Hanyu Falls Twice, but Still Wins Gold - NYTimes.com Hanyu became the first skater to break 100 points in a short program after receiving high marks for all his jumps, including a quadruple toe loop. But in the long program, he fell on tw…


▼ドイツ農相が辞任、内相時代に捜査情報漏らす : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞) フリードリヒ氏はメルケル首相の与党、中道右派、キリスト教民主・社会同盟(CDU・CSU)の所属。内相だった昨年10月、社会民主党(SPD)の前連邦議会(下院)議員に児…