
News Headlines - 09 June 2014

▽Airport Attack in Pakistan Shows Taliban’s Lasting Strength - NYTimes.com Then on Sunday, the Taliban hit back... The 10 attackers were dead five hours later, shot by soldiers or blown up by their own suicide vests. Yet the audacious natu…


▼式典中ガム「恥知らず」…オバマ氏に批判相次ぐ : 読売新聞(YOMIURI ONLINE) ランス北部ウイストレアムで6日行われたノルマンディー上陸作戦70年式典に出席したオバマ米大統領が、ガムをかんでいる様子がテレビに何度も映り、簡易投稿サイト「ツイッタ…

News Headlines - 08 June 2014

▽Vodafone Prompts Protests Over Government Wiretapping - Bloomberg The disclosure by Vodafone Group Plc, provider of mobile-phone service to more than 400 million customers worldwide, that some governments tap directly into its network wit…