
News Headlines - 28 May 2016

▽Tony Blair thinks this is the real reason people hate him (and it's not Iraq) "There are people who disagree with me for reasons that they say are to do with, say, Iraq, but actually are to do with the fact I won three elections for the L…


▼【伊勢志摩サミット】ホスト役の安倍氏とオバマ氏に置いてきぼり…英仏加の首脳は何を語った? 「話題が持っていかれた」恨み節も - 産経ニュース 主要国首脳会議(伊勢志摩サミット)が閉幕した27日午後、英国とフランス、カナダ各国の首脳が記者会見を開…