News Headlines - 21 May 2011

▽TV star is first to face jail over tweets after England footballer claims they breach injunction - Daily Mail
A journalist on one of Britain’s most respected newspapers – who also appears on a widely-viewed BBC programme – could face a jail sentence after naming on Twitter a Premier League footballer who had taken out a privacy injunction.
In the first case of its kind, lawyers for the soccer star have persuaded a High Court judge to ask Attorney General Dominic Grieve QC to consider a criminal prosecution against the writer for breaching a privacy injunction. If Mr Grieve decides to issue contempt of court proceedings, the individual faces a prison sentence of up to two years.

Jude Law claims that 'very senior executive' knew of phone-hacking - The Independent
Lawyers for the actor said the alleged hacking of his phone, carried out in 2005 to 2006, represented the "highest end" of voicemail interception. Mr Justice Vos said the NOTW had published 16 articles allegedly arising from hacking, and noted disputed claims that a "very senior executive" at the paper was implicated.

▽The politics of piracy - Seattle Post Intelligencer
Google's Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt on Wednesday said his company would not sit quietly by if Washington enacted anti-piracy legislation that forced search engines to police copyright law online - such as stopping illegally streamed movies or sporting events.

▽Bank says it has decided to 'accept' high inflation - The Independent
The Bank of England has claimed for the first time that it has taken a conscious decision to "accept a temporary period of above-target inflation" – words that analysts queried as an accurate account of the Bank's recent behaviour.

British work-ethic condemned by Indian steel tycoon -
A key adviser to Prime Minister David Cameron has launched an attack on the work-ethic of British managers, accusing them of failing to "go the extra mile" and being too keen to clock off at 5pm.