News Headlines - 23 June 2011

▽Hackers hit News International in revenge for coverage of teenager's arrest -
Hackers have attacked computer servers belonging to News International in apparent retaliation for coverage of the arrest of Ryan Cleary.
The website of the Sun newspaper and a computer used in the production of The Times were targeted by hackers who bombarded them with internet traffic in an attempt to make them crash.

Most popular apps in UK: Google maps and the weather -
The most popular mobile phone "apps", or applications, are not Facebook or Angry Birds but two of Britons' perennial obsessions: maps and the weather.

Apple iPhone Patent a Huge Blow to Rival Smartphone Makers -,2817,2387401,00.asp
Apple has been awarded its long sought-after patent on the iPhone. Intellectual property experts say it's so broad and far-reaching that the iPhone maker may be able to bully other smart phone manufacturers out of the U.S. market entirely.

Apple gains multitouch patent for mobiles - ZDNet
The patent covers a specific kind of multitouch activity, but covers its use in applications ranging from browsing to maps and word processing. It even includes a claim on storage media that contain programs covered by the patent. There is considerable disagreement among commentators on the breadth or narrowness of the patent.

Harry Potter next chapter? Wizard website tells and sells all - The Guardian
JK Rowling shocked and thrilled her fans and the publishing industry on Thursday by announcing details of Pottermore – an interactive website which will not only have new material, but will also be the only place selling the Harry Potter novels as digital downloads.