News Headlines - 28 October 2011

▽Physicists check whether neutrinos really can travel faster than light - The Guardian
The scientists who last month appeared to have found that certain subatomic particles can travel faster than light have fine-tuned their experiment to check whether the remarkable discovery is correct.

▽Russia poised to resume space station flights - Reuters
A Russian cargo ship is poised for liftoff on Sunday to the International Space Station following a launch accident in August that cut staffing levels aboard the orbital outpost.

Nokia launches its new Windows phones - Financial Times
Nokia unveiled its first range of Windows smartphones this week with a promise that the struggling Finnish handset maker would regain leadership in the market after lagging its rivals in recent years.

Apple contacting customers regarding iPhone 4S battery issues - SlashGear
Apple engineers have been contacting customers directly in an attempt to diagnose and resolve the battery issues that have been plaguing many new iPhone 4S owners. Apple Support Communities forum has a growing thread of users experiencing shorter battery life than expected on the iPhone 4S. The thread has now reached over 100,000 views and more than 1,300 replies all recounting similar experiences with the new Apple device.

▽Rail is Japan's newest export foothold in the UK - The Guardian
A consortium led by Hitachi will build the sequel to the Intercity 125 fleet – and its class 395 javelin carriages are already ferrying passengers from St Pancras to Ashford and beyond