News Headlines - 06 April 2013

Drug companies pay doctors £40m for travel and expenses | The Guardian
Drug companies are paying an estimated £40m a year to British doctors in service fees, flights, hotel and other travel expenses, according to the trade body that represents pharmaceutical companies.
AFP: Egypt call for calm after deadly Christian-Muslim clashes
Egypt's presidency appealed for calm on Saturday after religious insults sparked a gun battle in a poor town north of Cairo in which four Christians and a Muslim died.
Expert delves deep into the history of Nessie spotters on 80th anniversary of sighting | Herald Scotland
THOSE who claim to have seen the Loch Ness monster come from a wide spectrum of society, although perhaps unsurprisingly local hoteliers are among those featuring most frequently, according to new research.
Japanese aquarium shows off mysterious fish with clear blood - The Independent
The deep blue sea is home to many a strange creature - giant squids, fish that look like blobs, and jellyfish that look like UFOs - but now we can add transparent-blooded fish to that list of strange-but-true animals.
Sushi in Suhl - ab 18. Oktober im Kino
Sushi in Suhl Trailer