News Headlines - 23 April 2013

AP’s Twitter account hacked; fake tweet about White House explosions rocks markets | Toronto Star

Hackers took control of the Associated Press Twitter account on Tuesday and sent a false tweet about explosions in the White House that briefly sent U.S. financial markets reeling.

Millionaire businessman James McCormick found guilty of selling fake bomb detectors - The Independent

A British businessman who sold bogus bomb detectors to countries at war where hundreds of people were dying and injured by explosive devices was found guilty of fraud at the Old Bailey today.

Suspects in alleged terrorism train plot make first court appearances

One of the suspects accused of plotting an attack on a passenger train struck a defiant tone Tuesday in court, while the other suspect’s lawyer said his client was in a state of “disbelief.”

BBC criticised for probing George Osborne about tears at Thatcher funeral - Telegraph

George Osborne has mocked the BBC for asking him to explain his tears at Baroness Thatcher’s funeral, joking that he occasionally weeps when he sees the corporation’s news coverage.

OECD sounds fresh warning on Japan -

The OECD has warned Japan that taming its vast debts remains the country’s “paramount policy challenge”, as prime minister Shinzo Abe goes all out to reflate the sluggish economy via aggressive fiscal and monetary stimulus.