News Headlines - 19 July 2013

This time there is a case to buy Japan -

This is Japan’s moment of truth. Sunday’s election, whether premier Shinzo Abe gains a two-thirds majority in the upper house or, as appears more likely, he has to settle for a strong position just short of that, should give the country three election-free years. That will be one of the longest periods of political calm since the war. Meanwhile, the “third arrow” of so-called Abenomics is about to fire. Is there still value in Japan’s stock market?

Japanese politicians struggle with online pitch -

The new digital politics has got off to a slow start. In a survey by The Yomiuri Shimbun, Japan’s biggest newspaper by circulation, only 16 per cent of respondents said they were using the internet to help them decide who to vote for. An online debate aimed at voters in their 20s that was broadcast this week by Niconico attracted 42,000 viewers, much fewer than the service, which has 34m registered users, had been hoping for.

Japan Airlines Dreamliner flight to Tokyo returns to Boston with possible fuel pump problem - Telegraph

A Japan Airlines flight to Tokyo was forced to return to Boston on Thursday because of a possible fuel pump issue on the Boeing 787 aircraft.

G-20 to Back Corporate Tax Reform -

The Group of 20 largest economies is set to back a major overhaul of international taxation designed to eliminate loopholes that enable many companies to keep their tax bills low.

BBC News - Pioneering adult stem cell trial approved by Japan

The first trial of stem cells produced from a patient's own body has been approved by the Japanese government.