News Headlines - 31 January 2015

BBC News - Greece economy: Merkel rules out more debt relief

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has ruled out cancelling any of Greece's debt, saying banks and creditors have already made substantial cuts.

We will not co-operate with the troika, says Greek finance minister - Telegraph

Yanis Varoufakis calls Greece's troika of international lenders - the EU, IMF and ECB - 'a rottenly constructed committee'

Efforts to free Islamic State hostage deadlocked, says Japan - The Hindu

A top Japanese diplomat says efforts to free a captive journalist from the militant Islamic State group have reached a “state of deadlock”.

New British Army unit 'Brigade 77' to use Facebook and Twitter in psychological warfare - The Independent

The British military is setting up a specialist force modelled on the Chindits, the commandos who gained renown through their daring missions behind enemy lines in Burma during the Second World War.

BBC News - UK healthcare worker returns for Ebola monitoring

A British military healthcare worker has been brought back to the UK from Sierra Leone for Ebola monitoring... More than 22,000 people have been infected with Ebola and 8,795 have died in Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia.