News Headlines - 04 September 2015

First refugees traveling on Hungarian bus arrive at Austrian border | Reuters

Hungary announced on Friday it would send thousands of migrants by bus to the border with Austria, appearing to capitulate to crowds who broke away from riot police and struck out on foot for western Europe in a day of chaos.

Anjem Choudary freed on bail as he awaits trial for terror charges | The Times

The radical preacher Anjem Choudary was today freed on bail while he awaits trial for allegedly inviting his followers to support Islamic State, on the condition that he does not access the internet.

Kentucky clerk jailed for defying court orders on gay marriage - BBC News

A US judge has ordered that a Kentucky official be jailed for contempt of court after she repeatedly refused to issue marriage licences to gay couples.

Google Brings Its Music Streaming Service to Japan's Unique Digital Music Market | Billboard

Google Play Music All Access launched in Japan on Friday, giving the world's second-largest music market -- but a late adopter of music streaming -- subscription services from two huge technology companies. Google Play Music's arrival follows the launch of Apple Music in June but precedes the world's largest music subscription service, Spotify.

Lampreys return to Yorkshire rivers after 30 years - BBC News

A prehistoric rare fish has been seen in Yorkshire rivers for the first time in 30 years after conservation work... The snake-like jawless creatures predate dinosaurs by 200m years. They can grow up to 3ft (1m) long.