News Headlines - 15 March 2016

Toshiba finds more accounting errors, promises improvement | Reuters

The laptops-to-nuclear conglomerate said it had overstated past profits by 5.8 billion yen ($51.30 million) on a pretax basis due to seven new accounting errors, on top of the 224.8 billion in overstated profits it has already announced.

Toshiba in talks to sell white goods business to China's Midea- Nikkei Asian Review

Toshiba is in late-stage negotiations to sell its white goods business to Chinese household appliance giant Midea Group, a move that would mark another chapter in Japan's drastically changing home electronics industry.

Minecraft to run artificial intelligence experiments - BBC News

Microsoft, owner of the popular video game, revealed that computer scientists and amateurs will be able to evaluate and develop AI software using its virtual landscapes from July.

Myanmar elects Htin Kyaw as first civilian president in decades - BBC News

Myanmar's parliament has elected Htin Kyaw as the country's next president, the first civilian leader after more than 50 years of military rule.

World copying Japan’s slow-puncture economy: HSBC

The global economy appears to be trapped in Japan-style stagnation, HSBC's high-profile senior economic adviser said on Tuesday, adding his voice to the chorus of economist warnings.