News Headlines - 24 November 2016

With Hospitals Destroyed, Aleppo Could Be ‘Next Madaya,’ Doctor Warns

days after the last functioning hospitals were bombed out of operation in the eastern part of Aleppo, activists are warning that the city could become “the next Madaya.”

Hollande presents France's bid for World Expo 2025 - Xinhua |

French President Francois Hollande officially presented France's bid for the World Expo 2025 on Tuesday in a letter to the Secretary General of the International Exhibition Bureau Vincente G. Loscertales.

Thousands call for the Queen to pay for £369m refurbishments to Buckingham Palace herself

MORE than 113,000 campaigners have joined the call for the monarchy to foot the £369m bill to refurbish the Buckingham Palace.

Theresa May to promise £2bn a year for scientific research | The Guardian

Theresa May is to commit the UK to a £2bn annual fund for scientific research and development and a review of tax incentives for innovative corporations in an effort to boost the technology industry.

Flying drone smuggles cell-phone, saw blade into Danish prison | Reuters

A drone flew a load of illegal items to an inmate's cell on the fourth floor of a Danish prison, the Danish Prison Union said on Wednesday, presumably to help bust the inmate out.