News Headlines - 11 January 2017

BuzzFeed's publication of Trump memos draws controversy

BuzzFeed's decision to publish unverified memos alleging that Russian operatives have compromising personal and financial information about President-elect Donald Trump has set off a fierce debate about the ethics of the decision and the responsibilities of journalists.

Trump on drug prices: Pharma companies are ‘getting away with murder’ - The Washington Post

At his first news conference as president-elect on Wednesday, Donald Trump accused the pharmaceutical industry of “getting away with murder” and said that he would change the way the country bids on drugs to bring prices and spending down.

Prince William comforts girl, 9, over loss of her father, telling her: 'I lost my mummy when I was very young too'

The Duke of Cambridge comforted a nine-year-old girl who had lost her father, and told her how important it is to talk about her grief.

Japan's Emperor Akihito 'to abdicate on New Year’s Day 2019' | The Guardian

Japan’s emperor will abdicate and allow his eldest son to ascend the chrysanthemum throne on New Year’s Day 2019, media reports said, as the government prepares legal changes for the country’s first abdication for two centuries.

Murakami to release new novel titled "Killing Commendatore" | Bangkok Post

Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami will release a new novel titled "Killing Commendatore" on Feb 24, its publisher Shinchosha Publishing Co said, his first multivolume novel in seven years.