News Headlines - 25 January 2017

Dow closes above 20,000 for first time as Trump orders send stocks flying

The Dow Jones industrial average broke above 20,000 for the first time, rising about 150 points as Boeing, Goldman Sachs and IBM contributed the most gains.

Felony Charges for Journalists Arrested at Inauguration Protests Raise Fears for Press Freedom - The New York Times

The charges against the journalists — Evan Engel, Alexander Rubinstein, Jack Keller, Matthew Hopard, Shay Horse and Aaron Cantu — have been denounced by organizations dedicated to press freedom. All of those arrested have denied participating in the violence.

Why Trump's Staff Is Lying - Bloomberg View

By requiring subordinates to speak untruths, a leader can undercut their independent standing, including their standing with the public, with the media and with other members of the administration. That makes those individuals grow more dependent on the leader and less likely to mount independent rebellions against the structure of command. Promoting such chains of lies is a classic tactic when a leader distrusts his subordinates and expects to continue to distrust them in the future.

'1984' sales soar after Trump claims, 'alternative facts'

After incorrect or unprovable statements made by Republican President Donald Trump and some White House aides, one truth is undeniable: Sales of George Orwell's "1984" are soaring.

Golf: Tokyo venue under fire for barring female members | Reuters

A Japanese nonprofit group has demanded the golf tournament of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics be shifted from the Kasumigaseki Country Club which does not accept women as full members.