News Headlines - 28 October 2017

Spain's third quarter unemployment rate falls to lowest since 2008

Spain’s unemployment rate soared to nearly 27 percent at the beginning of 2013, the height of the economic crisis, after a burst property bubble and sliding consumer spending almost forced Spain to request a full sovereign bailout... In the third quarter, the unemployment rate fell to 16.38 percent, according to the National Statistics Institute, down from 17.22 percent in the previous quarter

British security minister says North Korea was behind WannaCry hack on NHS | The Independent

A report released by the National Audit Office (NAO) on Friday found that hospital trusts were left vulnerable to the attack because basic recommendations on cyber-security were not followed.
Speaking on the BBC's Today programme, the security minister Ben Wallace said the government now believes a North Korean hacking group was responsible, but stopped short of suggesting the UK could carry out retaliatory attacks.

Harry Potter still casting his spell over Bloomsbury revenues

Bloomsbury released new editions of J.K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” with covers dedicated to wizarding school Hogwarts’ houses Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw to mark the anniversary in June... Revenue from Harry Potter grew 40 percent in the period, the company said on Tuesday, and the young wizard and his magical world will feature strongly in the publisher’s assault on the important Christmas market.

Cambridge News 'received anonymous JFK assassination tip-off' - BBC News

A British local newspaper received an anonymous call about "some big news" in the US, shortly before President John F Kennedy was assassinated, according to documents.
A memo dated 26 November 1963 said the call was made to the Cambridge News at 18:05 GMT on 22 November 1963. This was 25 minutes before Kennedy was shot in Dallas, Texas.

Journalist in alleged rape case calls for change in Criminal Law:The Asahi Shimbun

A journalist whose high-profile rape case was dropped by prosecutors has called for an overhaul of the Criminal Law and authorities’ handling of sexual assault cases to make it easier for victims to find justice.