News Headlines - 25 November 2017

Egyptian air raid kills 'terrorist' mosque attackers | Al Jazeera

The Egyptian army says an air raid killed some of the attackers involved in Friday's massacre when at least 305 people died in a bomb-and-gun attack on a mosque.

Another Day, Another 'Bitcoin': Diamond Launches As Gold Passes $400

The Bitcoin community has woken up to another hard fork of the network, this time called Bitcoin Diamond (BCD)... BCD’s abrupt entry into the market comes less than two weeks after Bitcoin Gold (BTG) released trading, with the earlier forked Bitcoin Cash (BCH) even hard forking itself during the same period.

Time magazine says Trump's got it wrong on his 'Person of the Year' claim

In a Friday evening tweet, Trump says the magazine informed him he was "probably" going to be granted the title for the second year in a row. He tweets: "I said probably is no good and took a pass."
Later that evening, Time tweeted that Trump "is incorrect about how we choose Person of the Year." The magazine says it doesn't comment on its choice until publication.

Donald Tusk: Britain has 10 days to fix the Irish border issue if it wants Brexit breakthrough

The Prime Minister met Donald Tusk, the President of the European Council, in Brussels as she signalled she is prepared to give ground on the Brexit divorce bill if the EU commits to trade talks.
Mr Tusk said that a breakthrough at the European Council summit on December 14 is "possible" but will still be a "huge challenge". He added that progress must be made "on all issues, including on Ireland".

Tiger shot dead in Paris while roaming streets a mile from Eiffel Tower

A tiger escaped from a circus and onto the streets of Paris before being shot dead and its owner arrested.