News Headlines - 18 April 2011

▽Britons shot in Florida killed as part of 'gang initiation' -
Two British friends shot dead on a crime-ridden American housing estate were ambushed and murdered, possibly as part of a gang initiation.

▽Voting reform: 'yes' camp reeling as support collapses - The Guardian
A new Guardian/ICM poll on the alternative vote referendum shows 'no' campaign is 16 points ahead

Most voters have not even heard of the AV battle, warns Cameron - Daily Mail
The Prime Minister revealed that when he had asked customers at his local pub how they intended to vote, they had no idea what he was talking about.

▽'Chaotic' ACS:Law facing costs over file-sharing cases - BBC
ACS:Law and its one solicitor, Andrew Crossley, sent thousands of letters threatening recipients with court action if they did not pay out.
Now a judge has ruled that the company may be responsible for wasted costs in the case and ordered a full hearing.

Google Android confirms smartphone dominance -
New research has confirmed Google growing dominance in mobile phones across Europe. In Britain, 38 per cent of all smartphones now run Google Android, compared to 35.9 per cent in France and 35.5 per cent in Germany.