News Headlines - 27 December 2011

▽Hundreds of thousands expected at Kim Jong-il funeral -
Hundreds of thousands of North Korean citizens are expected to turn out on Wednesday for the funeral of Kim Jong-il, the man they have revered as The Dear Leader since he assumed power in 1994.

Boxing Day sales hit record-breaking levels as UK targets bargains - Metro
There were 'record-breaking' levels of trade on Boxing Day in the UK, as shoppers headed out to grab a bargain, early indications show.
Despite a Tube strike hitting the capital, high-end retailer Selfridges said it saw record first-hour sales at its store.

Sony sells its half stake in TV joint venture to Samsung - The Guardian
Sony has sold its nearly 50% stake in joint venture with Samsung Electronics to the South Korean company for $940m (£602m), as the Japanese company struggles to cut its losses at its TV business.

▽£10m cost of turning off wind farms -
The rules meant that some renewable energy companies were paid more to switch off their turbines than they would have received from ordinary operations.

▽Camera carrying insects set to aid search and rescue teams -
Flying insects could soon be used in search and rescue missions to help locate survivors of earthquakes and other disasters, according to scientists.