News Headlines - 28 February 2015

In Britain, a debate over Jihadi John's path to radicalization - The Washington Post

After the unmasking of Islamic State executioner Jihadi John as a West London computer programmer named Mohammed Emwazi, Asim Qureshi looked into the television cameras here and made an explosive assertion: Britain, he suggested, had created its own monster.

Death threats and a late night dinner before Russia's Nemtsov was shot dead | Reuters

It was near closing time on Friday at the upscale Bosco restaurant that looks out onto the illuminated red-brick walls of Moscow's Kremlin. Boris Nemtsov and his young, dark-haired girlfriend were finishing dinner.

Google's new building proposal reflects its DNA - San Jose Mercury News

If you're striving to make sense of Google's plans for its new north-of-Bayshore office space -- call it the Greenhouse Complex -- pay attention first to the company's DNA, its history and its competition. They'll tell you volumes about what Google is trying to achieve.

Ireland's Labour Party softens opposition to Aer Lingus sale | Reuters

A senior member of Ireland's junior coalition party on Saturday said opposition to the sale of the state's 25 percent stake in Aer Lingus (AERL.I) had softened in recent weeks and the party was likely to ultimately agree to the deal.

NASA Mars Curiosity Rover Ends the Debate of Methane on the Red Planet : Science World Report

New findings from the Mars Curiosity rover may hint that there may have been life in the planet's distant past. The tunable laser spectrometer in the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument has detected an episodic increase in the concentration of methane in Mars' atmosphere.