News Headlines - 03 March 2016

North Korea fires missile volley into sea after UN ratchets up sanctions | The Guardian

North Korea has fired a volley of short-range missiles into the sea off its east coast after the UN security council unanimously approved the toughest sanctions against the regime in two decades over its nuclear and rocket tests.

Debris in Mozambique Is Thought to Come From Malaysia Airlines Plane - The New York Times

Debris that washed up on the coast of Mozambique could be part of the wreckage from Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which vanished almost exactly two years ago, Malaysian officials said on Wednesday.

François Hollande warns Calais camps could move to Britain | The Guardian

François Hollande warned that there will be “consequences” if the UK pulls out of the EU and raised the prospect of the Calais refugee camps being relocated to Kent if voters back Brexit.

British judge tells Madonna and Guy Ritchie to stop squabbling over Rocco | Daily Mail Online

A British judge has told Madonna and Guy Ritchie to stop squabbling and sort out their differences over whether their son Rocco should live with his mother or father.

The new Ghostbusters trailer has the same madcap energy as the originals

Forget the sexist naysayers, says Robbie Collin - if the first trailer is anything to go by, this all-female reboot will be every bit as fun as the 1984 original