News Headlines - 17 December 2016

The World's Most Powerful People 2016

For the fourth consecutive year, Forbes ranked Russian President Vladimir Putin as the world's most powerful person. From the motherland to Syria to the U.S. presidential elections, Russia’s leader continues to get what he wants. In second place, President-elect Donald Trump has a seeming immunity to scandal, both houses of Congress on his side, and a personal net worth in the billions. And the third most powerful person in the world also happens to be the most powerful woman: Angela Merkel, the chancellor of Germany and the backbone of the European Union.

Rodrigo Duterte, Philippines President, admits killing suspects -

Controversial Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has admitted killing suspected criminals during his time as mayor of Davao City.

Anne Frank may not have been betrayed to Nazis, study finds | The Guardian

A new study published Friday by the Anne Frank House museum in Amsterdam says despite decades of research there is no conclusive evidence the Jewish diarist and her family were betrayed to the Netherlands’ German occupiers during the second world war, leading to their arrest and deportation.

Times Critics’ Top Books of 2016 - The New York Times

The New York Times has three daily book critics: Michiko Kakutani, Dwight Garner and Jennifer Senior. Because they review different titles, it is impossible for them to compile a single unanimous Top 10 list. They have favorites, however, and are happy to have a chance to list them here. There is also a list from Janet Maslin, who has stepped down from full-time reviewing but remains a frequent contributor of reviews to The Times.

Watch the First Trailer for Christopher Nolan’s WWII Movie ‘Dunkirk’ – Variety

With “Dunkirk,’ Christopher Nolan clearly wants to put his mark on the World War II genre and to make an epic to rival the likes of “Saving Private Ryan,” “The Thin Red Line” and “Das Boot.”