

「ホンダの過去のF1撤退時には「休止」の文言が使われた経緯があるが、今回は「撤退」。今後のF1復帰について、福井威夫社長は「完全に撤退。将来のことは完全に白紙」と語り、可能性にも言及しなかった。 」


●ホンダの福井社長一問一答 「ファンに申し訳ない」

「▽1964−68年(第1期) 車体、エンジンを製造し単独参戦。65年メキシコ、67年イタリア両GPで優勝。ポールポジション(PP)1回。
 ▽83−92年(第2期) エンジン供給で参戦。ウィリアムズやマクラーレンに供給し、88年にはマクラーレン・ホンダのセナ(ブラジル)とプロスト(フランス)で16戦15勝。第2期でホンダ・エンジンは通算69勝、PP73回。
 ▽2000−08年(第3期) まずエンジン供給で参戦し、04年にBARホンダで製造者部門2位、佐藤琢磨が米国GPで日本人14年ぶりの表彰台(3位)。06年から単独参戦し、ハンガリーGPでバトン(英国)が優勝、単独参戦では39年ぶりの勝利を果たした。06年からスーパーアグリにエンジンを供給も、08年途中で同チームは消滅。同年12月、ホンダはF1レース活動からの撤退を発表。」

●ホンダ、F1からの撤退発表 技術者を次世代環境車に投入
「F1の技術・開発者約400人を「次世代環境車やエンジン開発に投入する」と表明。……F1で培った車体設計や駆動制御などの技術を中・大型クラスのハイブリッド車や1000ccクラスの小型ガソリン車、小型ディーゼルエンジンなどの開発に生かす。09年を含め鈴鹿サーキット三重県鈴鹿市)でのF1レース開催は継続する。 」

●ホンダ撤退 「鈴鹿の誇りが…」 F1ライバル、トヨタも絶句
「F1と切り離せないイメージが浸透していたホンダの撤退が明らかになった5日、関係者らは一様に衝撃を受けた。 東京都港区の本社では、20代の女性社員が「創業者の本田宗一郎がレースにこだわっていた。ホンダはF1に力を入れてきたのに残念」と話した。ショールームではF1のシーズン後に原寸大のマシンが毎回展示され、多くのファンが訪れるという。長くモータースポーツ関連の仕事に携わった社員は「会社の元気もなくなってしまう」とがっかりした様子だった。」


●宿敵トヨタも「むちゃくちゃ驚き」 ホンダF1撤退
「ホンダと競ってきたトヨタ。今年5月にスーパーアグリ・ホンダがF1からの撤退を表明し、ホンダが続くとなれば、日本で参戦するチームはトヨタだけになる。「むちゃくちゃ驚き。ホンダさんはライバルと思い、負けたくないと常に考えていたので残念だ」と関係者は話す。 」


●ホンダF1撤退会見 「ジェンソン・バトンとは契約していた」
「ホンダF1撤退会見の中で、大島裕志モータースポーツ担当執行役員は、ジェンソン・バトンと既に来季の契約をしていたことを明らかにした。「チームスタッフとドライバーには、本田技研の意思決定の後、お伝えしました。今後の内容ですけど、ドライバーにつきましては、バトンとは契約しておりました。したがいまして、契約解消の手続きをとっていきます」……なお、もう一人のドライバーであるルーベンス・バリチェロについて触れられることはなかった。 」


国際自動車連盟FIA)のマックス・モズレー(Max Mosley)会長は5日、F1関係者に宛てた文書を発表し、従来から唱えてきたコスト削減を推し進める考えを示した。複数のチームがF1撤退を検討していると報道されているなか、モズレー会長は、今回のホンダの決定は、F1にかかるコストが高すぎるという同会長のかねてからの主張を裏付けるものだと指摘した。」

Honda Pulls Out of Formula One
With auto demand tumbling, pressure has built on the Japanese car maker to cut costs. Even so, closing the doors on its team in the high-profile auto sport, which costs it several tens of billions of yen annually, was still a tough decision for a company that takes pride in its aggressive involvement in motor sports... But the decision presages a fundamental change in the auto industry in the long term, Mr. Fukui said. "The auto industry had prospered in the past 100 years, and we are in a time of change, entering another 100-year period," he said.

●Wasington Post
Honda pulls out of 2009 F1 competition
A pullout by one of the world's biggest car manufacturers will send shock waves through F1, which could start the season with only 18 cars on the grid. Japanese team Super Aguri, which was backed by Honda, pulled out of F1 this year.

●NY Times
Honda Pulls Out of Formula One Racing
With the Honda racing team now up for sale, one of the principal worries among frenzied Formula One bloggers around the world was the future of the Toyota team ― and perhaps the future of the circuit itself.
Toyota, the world’s largest automaker, has its own financial troubles this year, and its November sales were down 34 percent from last year.
But a Toyota spokesman was quoted this week as saying the company had no intention of putting its Formula One team up on blocks. The company said it would introduce its new racing car on Jan. 15 over the Internet instead of its usual glamorous unveiling.

Honda to leave F1 unless a buyer is found
Formula One's financial crisis is expected to deepen today with the announcement from Honda that it will disband its team unless it can find a buyer in the next three months.
Ross Brawn, Honda's team principal, broke the news to the 667-strong Honda staff at 6pm last night, prompting a flood of calls to other teams from staff looking for jobs. Other F1 teams were also informed of the Honda decision yesterday.
One potential customer could be Dubai International Capital, the emirate's investment buy-out group. During this season, DIC pulled out of talks to buy Honda's sister team, Super Aguri.

The Times
Analysis: Honda had engine oil in the blood
Toyota appears to be in F1 for the prestige and the profile: Honda is there because it has engine oil in the blood.
Fukui too is not your average chief executive. He is a businessman whose daytime job is to run one of the world’s most successful automakers, but whose true love is running motorbikes, cars and aeroplanes at extremely high speeds.
The company founder, Soichiro Honda, once famously said that “the value of life can be measured by how many times your soul has been deeply stirred”.
Fukui, who claims he joined Honda because of its association with Formula One racing, was chosen because he was always going to keep that spirit alive. Today he was a visibly broken man.
Mr Fukui recently told reporters that, if he could, he would spend “a trillion yen” to have Honda’s F1 team win the championship.

Even Honda’s lack of recent wins in F1 should not have upset Mr Fukui too much, and certainly not enough to merit a withdrawal of this suddenness – after all, the founder’s other great saying was that “success is 99 per cent failure”.
The robots, the motor sport and even the battle to produce the world’s best lawnmower were all supposedly part of a grand Honda strategy of getting the best engineers in the world to join the company.
All those strange divisions offered an implicit promise to Honda’s people – work hard on designing the next minicar for the Indian housewife, and on your next rotation you can be re-crafting the wing mirrors on Jenson Button’s car, or tweaking the eye sockets on Asimo.
Take that promise away, and you just have a car factory.

●The Guardian
Honda pulls out of formula one and leaves Button in limbo
Gone but not forgotten

Had world championship winning Jim Clark, Emerson Fittipaldi and Mario Andretti but gradually dwindled away and closed at the end of 1994

Became the first winners of the official manufacturers' world championship 50 years ago. Closed down at the end of that year.

Winners of the 1959 and 1960 world championships with Jack Brabham. By the end of the decade, however, they had faded away

Stormed to victory in 1962 title battle, making Graham Hill the challenger to Jim Clark. But lost pace with technology and withdrew in 1977

Founded in 1962 by Jack Brabham, then sold to Bernie Ecclestone in 1972. Won two championships with Nelson Piquet and closed in 1992

Button shocked by Honda decision
Honda driver Jenson Button said he was "as shocked as everyone else" at news of the team's demise.

"The first couple of hours were the most painful but then I thought what's the point of being down?" he said.
"We need to stay positive in ourselves and as one team because if we're not, who'll be interested in taking over?"