

●円、1ドル88円台に 日米の政策金利が逆転

●米に忍び寄るデフレスパイラルの危機 FRBゼロ金利


FRB:米初のゼロ金利 世界景気減速、「政策総動員」鮮明に 効果は未知数

Fed Cuts Rates Near Zero to Battle Slump
In normal times, lower rates reduce the cost of borrowing for households, businesses and financial institutions, which spurs borrowing and economic activity. Those effects are being muted now, however, because many businesses and households are weighed down by heavy debts.

●Wasington Post
Fed Cuts Key Rate to Record Low
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/12/16/AR2008121601754.htmlFed policymakers, noting that financial markets remain strained and economic activity weak, strongly suggested it would use unconventional means to lower the rates Americans pay for mortgages, car loans and business loans.

●NY Times
Fed Cuts Key Rate to a Record Low
Though important as a historic milestone, the move to an interest rate of zero from 1 percent is largely symbolic. The funds rate, which affects what banks charge for lending their reserves to each other, had already fallen to nearly zero in recent days because banks have been so reluctant to do business... Of much greater practical importance, the Fed bluntly announced that it would print as much money as necessary to revive the frozen credit markets and fight what is shaping up as the nation’s worst economic downturn since World War II... The two huge economic stimulus programs, one from the Fed and one from the White House and Congress, set the stage for a powerful but potentially risky partnership between Mr. Obama and the Fed’s Republican chairman, Ben S. Bernanke.

Fed slashes rates to near zero
The Fed’s action came as the eurozone purchasing managers’ survey showed the 15-country bloc on course to report its worst quarter on record, adding to pressure on the European Central Bank to follow the Fed’s lead and cut rates further.

The Times
Fed cuts rate to 'virtually zero'
The aggressive measures will turn up heat on the Bank of England, criticised for being slow to react in the present global crisis, to take more far-reaching action to shore-up Britain’s floundering economy.

●The Guardian
Federal Reserve slashes interest rates to nearly zero
The Federal Reserve slashed interest rates in the United States last night to 0.25% – the lowest level in the nation's 232-year-history – and signalled new emergency steps to boost lending as it sought to lift the world's biggest economy out of a deepening recession.